Ramuté Adomavicé
(Kindergarten Smalsutis Dembava. Panevezys,Lithuania)
I'm a preschool teacher from Lithuania. I have been working in kindergarten for more than 10 years. I have been involved in various eTwinning projects for 5 years. Recently, my colleagues and I have been involved in Ezasmus+ projects and we have already implemented one of them well. I have a Master's degree, so I occasionally teach Pre-school and pre-primary education pedagogy at the Panevėžys College.
I love my job, I love children. The saying "if you like what you do, you will never work" is true. 

Buse Nur Eyigün/İstanbul/Gülbahar Hatun Anaokulu

Hello. I am working as a preschool teacher in Istanbul. My second year in this profession. This is the first time I have been on an etwinning project. I think nature-based education is very important in preschool education. That is why I am very happy to take part in this Project. I wish my partners a pleasant process.

Eda Paçacı/Diyarbakır-Sur/Bağıvar Anaokulu

Hello. I have been working in preschool teaching department for 3 years. This is my first  experience at E-twinning. I want to teach new things and do different works. I am happy to be in this project. Good work for all participants! 

Emel KÖSE Hanlı ilkokulu Anasınıfı -SAKARYA/Arifiye

Hello. I am a pre-school teacher in a village school in Arifiye district of Sakarya province. I am working in my 6th year in the profession. I love learning as much as I love teaching. I love children very much, and so do my job. I think that e twinnig project experiences contribute to my profession. I joined the I am Learning from Nature project with enthusiasm and desire to learn.I wish good work to my project partners

Burcu AKSU/ TRABZON -Beşikdüzü / Atatürk Anaokulu

Hello. I am a Pre-School teacher at Beşikdüzü Atatürk Kindergarten in the Beşikdüzü district of Trabzon. I am working on the 16th year of my profession. I love children and my job. I think e-Twinnig projects will be beneficial for my professional development. I am happy to take part in the I Learn from Nature project.
